Originally Posted By: ed good
AmarilloMike: to my knowledge, we have never done business...so what is the basis for your slanderous statements against me?

Ed, do you really have to ask why so many on this board have turned against you?

Do you think it may have something to do with your incessant and thinly veiled efforts to justify your business practices (selling torched guns) in a forum dedicated to expanding our understanding and knowledge of best practices when it comes to the safe care and maintenance of older guns? Yours is the single voice advocating for your version of restoring case colours.

Do you think it may have something to do with denigrating hunting on a board with many, many hunters?

Do you think it may have something to do with the inherent hypocrisy of selling game guns to hunters, thus earning a profit when you can, while decrying hunting?

Do you think it may have something to do with starting thread after thread here in Misfires, with subjects designed to antagonize the broad membership? PETA, really? They aren't known for being extreme? Really?

My experience here is the members here are, by and large, a pretty friendly and helpful bunch. But I haven't come here to further my business interests. I have tried to treat all members here with respect, including those with whom I have dramatically different views on typically inflammatory subjects here in misfires. As a result, I don't have people calling me names, harassing me, threatening me. I don't troll. I am respectful, of the board and it's members.

I suspect, if you want to discover the culprit, the instigator, the cause of your unhappiness with how you are being portrayed here, all you need to do is look in the mirror.

Ed, it is you who has made your business practices the subject of discussion. We reap what we sow.

Last edited by canvasback; 12/15/13 12:41 PM. Reason: edited for privacy concerns

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia