jOe thank you for your efforts on my behalf. But I am well beyond 21.

My opinion:

ed cheated the man when he did not allow him to return that loose off-face double gun. ed should have also paid for the return shipping.

ed has cheated many many people in his all his business endeavors.

ed is a bully. And all his talk of libel and lawyers is hot air. ed bullied bg and tried to bully canvasback. Don't know who else got threatening PMs. I didn't. (correction- got an ed PM this morning)

ed good has no morals or principles. He will intimidate, cheat, lie, steal, whatever he needs to do to get what he thinks he wants.

I'm not sure "one of Ed's best customers" and "long term investment firearms portfolio" really go together.

End of my opinion.

I am going to post my opinions on this thread once a day every day until I either hear from ed's lawyer or Dave asks me to stop or March 31, 2014, whichever comes first.

Last edited by AmarilloMike; 12/15/13 10:05 AM.

I am glad to be here.