Originally Posted By: King Brown
"We" are the people, Craig, and in my neck of the woods we direct provincial policy....

....We don't ask, we don't wait for crumbs to fall like charity from government and industry. They come to us because we own the land. Without responsible activism, we deserve what we get....

Good stuff King, but a bit ago you had mentioned that 'no one can possibly know how it will turn out. Nothing is safe or certain'. Yet around your neck of the woods, you endeavor to persevere. One would hope foreign policy could be a bit more proactive than autopilot pacifism.

Sorry, can't make the big NY shindig, but safe travels. I remember your article, more good stuff. Originally, I was concerned that your group goal of returning the land to it's original state before it was over run by europeans was going to affect you. But, since you're the boss, were you able to work out a vinyard exception. smile