Well ed, we were hunting dove in Texas in 1960 because that was the first time I went.

I take my pointing dogs on my dove hunts. They have a great time finding the downed birds and retrieving them. They often have to dig them out from under a bush or cactus. I use my Brittanys since I don't have labs. The two that are really good at dove hunting sit beside me and watch the sky for the dove flying in. The dogs compete with the other hunters' dogs to get to the downed bird first. There is nothing my little Molly likes better than taking the bird almost out from under another hunter's big black lab's nose and bringing me the bird. I often have walk over and give the other hunter a bird Molly stole.

Dove hunts are very social. Sometimes as many as fifteen people spread out over a field. Sometimes more. Often centered around family, brother-inlaws, uncles, even some women participate. Kids are absolutely crazy about dove hunting because there is not much walking and lots of shooting. The best way to make a bird hunter out of a kid is to start him off on dove. Sometimes it is just good friends in a small group.

Dove hunting weather is usually between warm and hot. And no getting up at 3:00AM and spreading decoys out in icey cold water like duck hunting.

I believe it is popular because it is so much fun, so social, and because the kids will go because they enjoy it so much.

Last edited by AmarilloMike; 07/30/13 12:28 AM.

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