Originally Posted By: AmarilloMike
Originally Posted By: boneheaddoctor
And you never met people that have committed crimes that never got caught?

Criminals commit crimes over and over. That is why they are criminals. People who commit crimes over and over get caught. About one third of the black male population is either in prison or they have been in prison. They are criminals. The other two thirds are not.

If President Obama had a 17 year old son that son would most likely not have robbed those people.

Really? He's nothing but a con artist....and last I checked...being a con artist is illegal. Unless you are the messiah of a political party.

Notice how he hasn't redistributed a dime of his wealth yet....

Last edited by boneheaddoctor; 07/22/13 09:51 PM.

The liberals are asking us to give Obama time.
We agree, and think 25 to life would be Appropriate.