Food stamps are paying for trans-Atlantic takeout — with New Yorkers using taxpayer-funded benefits to ship food to relatives in Jamaica, Haiti and the Dominican Republic.

Welfare recipients are buying groceries with their Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) cards and packing them in giant barrels for the trip overseas,

Illinois rewarded for misspending only $52 million on food stamps

Just more than 2 million people in the state, or 16 percent of the population, are enrolled in the federally managed SNAP. Washington D.C,. sent Illinois $3 billion for SNAP last year.
FOOD STAMP BOOM: Dabrowksi says IL has seen food stamp rolls grow by double digits.

FOOD STAMP BOOM: Dabrowksi says IL has seen food stamp rolls grow by double digits.

The numbers: 1.74 percent of $3 billion is $52 million. That’s a lot of taxpayer waste.

“The more people you add and the bigger the program gets, the more cumbersome it gets. The more difficult it gets to manage. And you have money being given away that shouldn’t be given away,” said Ted Dabrowski, vice President of policy for the Illinois Policy Institute.

Dabrowksi said Illinois saw its food stamp population jump 11.5 percent last year.

Record 10,978,040 Now on Disability; ‘Disability’ Would Be 8th Most Populous State

The record 10,978,040 total disability beneficiaries in May, included a record 8,877,921 disabled workers (up from 8,865,586 in April), a record 1,939,687 children of disabled workers (up from 1,936,236 in April), and 160,432 spouses of disabled workers.

May was the 196th straight month that the number of American workers collecting federal disability payments increased.

Hillary For Prison 2018