Keith if there are three hundred million of us and 10% are black then that is thirty million people. There are going to be some criminals in that thirty million. Some of those criminals are going to do some really horrendous crimes. Blacks are imprisoned at about six times the rate of whites.

If you leave out Hispanics and Latinos whites make up 45% of the prison population and blacks make up about 55%. So I have about the same chances of being assaulted or robbed by a white as a black.

When I see a black man he is about six times more likely to assault me than when I see a white man. But the odds that either assaults me are miniscule. Just like the odds that any one on-coming car comes into my lane for a head-on. I am vigilant but know it is unlikely. I am not in terror of either catastrophe.

For the NAACP to be a terrorist organization they have to commit terrorist acts - lynching of innocents, bombing of innocents, murder of innocents. They don't so they are not.

And I think arguing that the NAACP is the equivalent of the twentieth century Klan immediately closes off the chance that someone we are trying to get to see that the NAACP is racist will ever listen to us, ever listen to us, ever listen to us.

We need for the nation to see the racism of the NAACP. Arguing that they are terrorists like the Klan is not only wrong it is counter-productive.

I am glad to be here.