Originally Posted By: AmarilloMike
Originally Posted By: craigd
I think it is note worthy that an IT employee was fired after the jury started deliberating. He claims ethical and probably unlawful with holding of evidence from the defense. Seems like Martin indicated clear access to illegal handguns, drugs, and was suspended from school for possessing stolen property and the tools for home break ins.

Have you got a link? Thanks!

I'd do a link if I knew how Mike, easy to find though, the fellows name is Ben Kruidbos. Paints a different picture of Martin the person and his intentions. Supposedly, illegal guns, drug use, bragging of one punch knock outs of other kids, and on and on. This whistle blower knew it would likely mean his job, but felt it was the right thing to do anyway.

Thanks for the link about Martin's 'guest' status. Sure he was temporarily there, but even the prosecutors framed it as all he was doing was passing through to get home. One defense attorney showed a time line of over four minutes, where a strapping young lad like Martin could have easily walked back to his hosts place or high tailed it to his old man's place. At that point, Martin was not shot yet, but proven to by on top of George punching away.

Agreed, there are consequences to bad judgement, but there are many victims of many violent crimes who it could be said just shouldn't have been there and it never would have happened.