Ed, it seems that you are saying that you are not in favor of concealed carry and the right of self defense. We could also say that none of this would have happened if Martin was not prowling around a gated community at night in an area where there had been numerous break-ins and burglaries. He could have bought his Skittles and went straight home. The Liberal media never missed an opportunity to point out that Zimmerman, a community watch volunteer, was a wannabe cop and had taken criminal justice classes. They seemed to be saying that anyone who might aspire to a career in law enforcement should not excercise their right to carry a concealed weapon. This of course would include anyone who eventually became a cop.

Many liberals are also crowing about the extent of Zimmermans injuries, the ones that we were only shown after they were cleaned up as Mike points out. They say this is proof that he was never in danger of being severely injured or killed. Anyone who has ever been in a street fight knows that the next punch could result in a crushed windpipe or a fatal subdural hematoma. A high school friend who was big and strong had his life changed forever during a fight outside a bar, when the girlfriend of the guy he was whipping, kicked him squarely in the eye with her Cowboy boots, and popped it like a water balloon. This former heavyweight wrestler was beaten by a 100 lb. girl, and maimed for life.

I would not be surprised to see the Obama Justice Dept. pursue Civil Rights charges even though there is zero evidence Zimmerman profiled Martin on the basis of race. They would love to send the message that using a gun, even on someone who is beating, raping, or robbing, is just not worth it. Zimmerman could sue to recover legal fees, but the Gov't has deep pockets and our money to spend. Remember that the same Obama administration had no problem attempting to restrict the Civil Rights of law abiding gun owners after Newtown. Civil Rights laws aren't meant for white folks. You never even see them contemplating Civil Rights charges when a black attacks a white person even though it happens virtually every day. Our resident Libtards see nothing wrong with that.

It is instructive right now to tune in to MSNBC to see just how the Liberal Democrats view gun owners and the NRA.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.