I grew up being taken along on the occasional hunting trip where the fairly inept Doctor and Lawyer crowd dragged their a-5 auto's or 12 gauge M-37 pumps out to some-body's farm to harass a cottontail or two.While I was hooked from day one what I remember most was that at the end of the day it was obvious none of these guy's had any interest in cleaning or eating the game that had been harvested. They were just out to get away from the wife's and spew some testoerone.I remember the feeling I had when inevitably the game meat would be thrown away freezer burned with little thought.

As time went on the bad taste this had left motivated me to develop a genuine passion for all things outdoors and a staunch respect toward game conservation.

The other thing that is very much worth mentioning is that as a fifth grader growing up in Louisville, KY the Kentucky Dept. Of Fish and Wildlife would come into all the schools to teach a Conservation education program to all the kids.I can still tell you the mans name who came into our class almost forty years later. What is most amazing in our world of PETA and ACLU wackos is that my my 11 year old son had the same class taught in his school last year.