Originally Posted By: craigd

I'm disappointed that you believe nca's approach is normally civil. He rarely brings facts to the table, just belittles things and people he doesn't like.

Thrifty, you've got my approach all wrong, I wait around for your guys to say something stupidly bat shit crazy, bigoted or racist, and then I point it out to you. Reliably you puppets respond in kind and toss in a nasty descriptive adjective about me or go to some straw man argument that makes up what I actually said, and then I get to verbally b!tch slap you around a bit for it. Sometimes I get a real winner like our current example of someone suggesting I gave VD to my dog. That in turn allows me to inform said person of where I got the VD from. It sure looks like said person wishes they never mentioned the VD now.

The responses are predictable and highly entertaining to me.

You should ask canvas, or RDH45, as examples, if they have ever seen one of my nasty insults directed at them. These guys are of the same conservative persuasion, but keep their writing on the up and up. Although I disagree with them, there isn't any name calling. If my modus operandi is to just insult people who don't share my politics, show me where I have called these guys nasty things. Matter of fact RDH45, spoke some sense earlier and I tried to meet the board halfway. But I was the only person who tried to move on with it.

I hate to say it but its Jim that has the right approach. You should just ignore me, then you wont get your feelings hurt.

This is simple stuff to figure out, and for as much as you guys like to pretend your intellectual heavyweights, its astounding you've missed it.

Last edited by nca225; 06/03/13 01:46 PM.

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