Hey retard, please show us even one instance where a Catholic Church parishoner knew that their priest was a predatory pedophile, and either remained silent or covered for them. Do you really think the small percentage of priests who were pedophiles were open about their perversion, and folks in the pews just kept their mouths shut and kept putting money in the collections basket? Do you really think those sick criminal priests who infiltrated the Church were playing grab-ass with alter boys in front of the congregation, and the congregation approved? Researchers say that the average pedophile molests over 100 kids before he slips up and gets caught. They are very adept at keeping their victims quiet and operating under the radar. Look at you... you haven't been caught yet. But your dog looks like you gave it a venereal disease. Catholics are justifiably outraged that some Bishops simply moved pedophiles to other parishes, but for the most part, they have not abandoned their God and their church because of the crimes of a very few. That would be like me giving up my U.S. citizenship just because Obama is crooked. There have been very many public statements acknowledging and apoligizing for the crimes made by church officials up to and including the Pope. Contrast that with the silence we get from Muslim clerics after repeated terrorist attacks by radical Islamists who were often indoctrinated in Muslim Madrassas by Muslim Clerics. But you see nothing wrong with that. Why? Because you and your kind are beyond stupid. You are apologists for anything that made this country great. You are like a cancer.

I notice you Libtards are guilty of the same taint that you are attempting to paint us with. I never once saw you, King, Gnomoron, homer, or the rest of the cast of idiots make any negative comment about Fast and Furious where hundreds of Mexicans and Brian Terry have been shot or killed with Obama DOJ supplied semi-autos. You'll citicize us for not mourning the bombing of an abortion clinic, but you say nothing about the tens of millions of aborted children. How about the recent case in Penna. where the "Doctor" was snipping the spinal cords of aborted-near full term-viable-breathing babies? Is infanticide less serious than pedophilia to you, moron? Where's your anger over Democrats within the IRS targeting conservatives? I haven't seen any of you cowards even question the cover-up in Benghazi where Americans died waiting for help that Obama would never send.

As far as the ricin tainted letter sent to Bloomberg, I really have to wonder if that wasn't sent by anti-gunners with Bloomberg's approval. You anti-gunners have tried every other sneaky lying trick in the book to advance your agenda. Didn't you Libtards hope and pray that the Boston Marathon bomber would turn out to be a Tea Party Second Amendment supporter? You're all slime. The worst Muslim is better than you. At least they often have the spine to blow themselves up.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.