Washington, D.C. – After months of speculation of the intent of the Obama Administration and the Department of Homeland Defense, many officials believe they now have the reason behind the massive ammunition stockpiles: Rationing. The Obama Administration has struggle with legislation to crack down on the 2nd Amendment, but throughout the process had plan B in effect.

Over the past few years, the Department of Homeland Security has purchased over 1,000 more rounds per person than Army. At a recent hearing, Representative Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah stated, ”It is entirely … inexplicable why the Department of Homeland Security needs so much ammunition,” .

Chaffetz, who chairs one of the House oversight subcommittees holding the hearing Thursday, revealed that the department currently has more than 260 million rounds in stock. He said the department bought more than 103 million rounds in 2012 and used 116 million that same year — among roughly 70,000 agents.

Insiders who asked to remain anonymous were asked about the massive ammunition stockpiles and hinted that the massive stockpiles were achieving their end result, empty shelves. The Obama Administration knew heading into their second term the fight on the 2nd Amendment would be tough, so instead of fighting that battle, they decided to remove the main component. The insider stated, “There’s a good reason you can find shotgun ammo all day long, but not assault type rifles and handgun. Thing about it, Joe Biden recently was encouraging gun owners to buy shotguns over assault rifles, this was their intention all along.”

One major side effect the Obama Administration failed to factor in, local law enforcement agencies are running short of ammunition supplies. Another major side effect, although this one likely intentional, the price of ammunition has skyrocketed. Many police agencies across the Nation have resorted to smaller bus due to the much higher cost and nationwide budget cuts. It’s also been reported that many law enforcement agencies have had to use Airsoft guns for training to save ammunition.

Republicans on Captial Hill are introducing a bill that would force the DHS to make purchases that are more inline with historical numbers vs. the current levels, which are enough for an army. Frank Lucas, R-Okla. stated: “I was surprised to find out the DHS has the right to buy up to 750 million rounds of ammunition over the next five years, while it already has two years worth of ammo already,” Lucas said. “This is an issue that must be addressed, and I am pleased this legislation provides us the opportunity to do so.”

The 2nd Amendment IS an unalienable right.