Originally Posted By: canvasback
....making my point for me. If in the course of 180 posts to this thread, we can't, as you suggest, change jOe's mind, an honest to goodness gun guy, what progress do you hope to make with the larger society. It has become apparent to me that the tactics are wrong. Facts, logic and a dependence of the "rights" conferred by the 2cd amendment will ultimately fail....

....We have either been missing that point, haven't thought it important up till now or been remarkably ineffective in our own public opinion swaying efforts.

I believe there's sound reasoning here, and it fits well with King's 'take the help where you can get it' advise. I'd hope the effort takes on a 365 day a year, forever schedule and not just ramp up to respond to the lefts schedule. I'd like to see 20 second rap utube videos depicting black and latino gang actors handling ban list firearms with the hammer repeat message 'our guy's alright, but DON'T let him take our guns'.

My prediction, and there have been a few strategic public 'compromise' concessions, the list gets paired down some and the magazine issue withers. But, cooler heads prevail and we get universal back ground check and likely stiffer regs on ammo and components in the name of mental health precautions. Not a person in America will be safer, but they'll tap a vast new source of legal compliant citizens for fees and taxes.