and once again...

Universal backround checks are nothing but a backdoor registration scheme. In an age where millions of firearms transactions can be stored on a few hard drives, does anyone really think that gun purchases by law abiding citizens aren't already being stored? If the only concern is that criminals and mentally ill people do not buy guns, then why do they need to know whether you are buying a single shot .22LR or an AR-15 .223? And why do they need the serial number? It has already been proven that this data does not prevent crime and very rarely helps to solve any crimes. All of this crap is being directed at you, the law abiding citizen, while criminals will still get their guns almost exclusively from illegal sources.

And when Jamal breaks into your house and steals your guns... what happens?

Most of the time, a plea bargain is made, despite the fact that he already has a multiple page arrest record, and he gets little or no jail time. And then he does it again. If the Libtards had their way, you would be jailed for not having your legally owned guns kept securely enough. This is not about reducing violent crime. We already have laws that prohibit felons, drug abusers, and mentally ill folks from buying firearms. Those laws are not enforced. Someone please show us where these stupid and unconstitutional laws have actually reduced crime.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.