Just want to say the gun-loving people of the world are with you. The whole thing is riduculous. Even my pro-gun-control wife admits no gun control could have prevented Newton massacre. There isn't such thing as a gun-free country. Even in North Corea, and China some individuals - police, selected Party members, military, competition athlets - have access to firearms. And where some can get a gun, every determinded or obsessed person who wants a gun will find a way of getting a gun, legally or illegally. Russia has draconian gun control laws - which didn't stop a Greenpeace activist from gunning down seven of his former employees right at their workplace in Moscow last year. Neither did it stop a Moscow criminal police officer from murdering eleven innocent shoppers at a supermarket a few years back. Or two traffic cops in my wife's little hometown who pulled over a bus carrying a team of oil drill workers and for reason unknown AK'd them all. If Russia is a bad example, look at Norwey and Brevick massacre. Norway, by the way, didn't introduce strickter gun control or immigration laws after the murders. They said "we can't let one insane person change the life of the whole country. That would mean we aren't strong enough or don't have enough faith in our country and its ways".