Originally Posted By: WildCattle
Pretty funny!
Well the bottom line is that as with most last name, this one is of peasant origin.
A "faux" is a scythe. The "faucheur" is a reaper, i.e a worker using a scythe to cut hay or any other harvest.
"Lefaucheux" is the name of a man who was doing that job at some distant point in the past.
No wonder there would be no coat of arms for that family.
Actually very few names have a real coat of arms.
The nobility before the revolution was a very small clique.
Almost none of the "Lexxx" surnames indicate nobility. Most are of modest origins.
Not even all the "De xxxx" are nobility.

As for the grasshopper, I think that a "faucheur" might have been a reference for it, due to the shape of the legs. or its action on the harvests.

Best regards,
So-- a "Faux pas" is a pas made with a scythe? From there we might infer that a "Bayone pas" is a pas made with a bayonet? Very interesting!!

"The field is the touchstone of the man"..