Your gun was made in 1897 as indicated on the water table.
It was made by Henri Rieger, 37 rue Vivienne, who was the successor to Lefaucheux and owned the brand name as well as the old store.
The barrels are indeed Bernard who still was in business then.

I have it's brother (sister?). Mine is dated 1898.
A few years back, Holt's had a double shotgun dated 1901 based on the same action.

A few pictures...

Note the safety...

The cartridge is a battle field find.

The fixed forend takes some getting used to. It's quite tough to put the barrels back. The system is unique (in a French way...). I can't wait for you to take yours apart and document the innards.

Unfortunately, I have not had a chance to shoot mine yet.

I have some data on the history of Rieger. He had some tiff with Mrs Lefaucheux on the subject of the house name that he had licensed from her.

This site has a lot of info on that story.
