This post will be a brief summary here as this is past history and therefore somewhat irrelevant now:

An "Assault" Weapons ban was proposed and passed by a Democrat controlled Congress and signed by a Democrat President. This goal was part of and is still part of the Democrat platform and was instituted by the radical left wing of the Democratic party personified by the likes of Dianne Feinstein. The intent with this law was to take the first step towards total firearms registration and ultimately firearms confiscation. It had a Sunset clause and expired in 2004 while Bush was President and ther wern't enough votes in Congress to re-institute the ban. There is NO credible information to indicate this ban had any influence in reducing the crime rate whatsoever in the 10 years it was in effect.

The approach the radical left Democrats are now taking is go for it all. What will be proposed to Congress is the registration of most firearms deemed "not suitable for sporting purposes",** a ban on any further manufacture of such weapons and the requirement that all such registered weapons be turned in for destruction upon the death of the current owner.
We'll know more in a few weeks.

**My understanding is this registration required list contains several hundred firearms and also(Double Gun only owners please note) includes any firearm with a bore diameter greater than .50.

The 2nd Amendment IS an unalienable right.