Just had the quail and dumplings my wife made for brunch this morning. I am in the basement with the rest of the dogs - six French Brittanys. It just so happens that I read some Diggory this morning too. I am reading cover-to-cover the Double Gun Journal, Winter 2007, Volume 14, Issue 4. It has an article about British gun auctions and and the merchandise being auctioned. There is also a small brag by Dig tucked in the article. He tells about winning the 28 gauge shooting contest with a gun he never saw before that day. This issue also has a Sherman Bell article about British muzzle loading rifles. I don't have a particular interest in rifles but this interested me. I am about 2/3rds of the way through the issue. I have resolved to read every issue from the Premiere through Volume 17 Issue 4 cover to cover, ads, editorials, poetry (ugh), everything.

After the quail and dumplings cool down the bird dogs will get the leftovers. My son says that food is like crack to dogs. My wife's quail and dumplings doubly so I think.

For the benefit of our company I set out in a three gun display rack an AH Fox Philly XE 12, a Philly XE 16, and a Flues 4E 16.

There is an inch or two of snow outside and I will shortly have to rise and push it off the driveway, sidewalks, and porch. We had a white Christmas.

Last edited by AmarilloMike; 12/25/12 01:30 PM.

I am glad to be here.