Hi all,
in about 1974 as a young(ish) shooting man, at that time particularly into clay pigeon (trap) shooting, I was invited by a colleague, a very nice young lady of portuguese ancestry, to visit Portugal with her for a holiday.
As she new that I was shooting at (clay) birds, she had arranged through her family (apparently one of her uncles, rather highly placed in the Portuguese Government of the time, if I remember correctly, to accommodate 'my good friend' in arranging a temporary membership of the local Lisbon shooting club).
I duly arrived at a beautifullly arranged country club (what I later learned to be about CA standard) and was invited to participate in the 'competition' which happened on that day and which I thought was a 'Clay Pigeon' - probably Trap competition - but in fact happened to be THE 'live pigeon' National Competition.
My Browning B25 B2 (what you call 'Superposed' I believe) did me proud on that day!
This was a 'trap' shoot - with live pigeons flying out of traps arranged as in a trap clay pigeon shoot.

Although I was surprised by the 'live' birds, I managed to perform not too badly - if I remember correctly, I ended up coming 3rd (perhaps second - cannot remember now).

Anyway, the birds were given to local families and cooked for dinner!
In my opinion no difference to 'walked up' pigeons or other game.

Regards from England
NRA Life 1974