Well Jay, I guess that's why we have hundred's of different religions, everybody reads the bible and comes away with a different interpretation of the same book........

There is no end to what or how people interpret the written word......sorry if you don't understand my meaning.......

What I write is my opinion, and only my opinion, based like you, on experience and appeal........

Most of the poster's on this thread have said they either like single triggers and have had good experiences or they don't like them and have had bad experiences......that pretty much says it all I think..........

I repair and restore a lot of guns for other folks and have repaired a number of problematic single triggers which has formed my opinion of them over the last 40 years or so.........

Did you understand the "Double triggers are simple, reliable" words on my post that you copied "part of" .......?...... The Meaning is: - mechanically simple....
