The ejector box is Deeley's ejectors patent no. 4289 of 1886, the selective bit was never patented as far as I know and anyway they would have had a heck of a time trying to make it stick!

I was paraphrasing that great self-publicist WW Greener who is famous for producing a show gun, the St George's Gun, that besides not having any chequering, also no safety catch to make the point as above.
I don't want to get into a row about this but I disagree on your point. A loaded gun can fail in use, blow up in your hands, be knocked out of your hands by a falling pheasant (yes, it has happened!)- an unloaded gun can only break your toe!
I agree that gun handing is extremely important and can make a loaded gun much safer but never totally safe. Your analogy of a car with fuel is not pertinent, if so I could leave my gun on the table, loaded, as long as it was pointing in the right direction when I walked away.IMHO

Dave in Maine
Couldn't agree more!
As to its adoption: it has been available through the decades on a few guns, either as an optional extra or standard feature eg some Baikal guns and I think some Lauronas but it has never been popular as far as I know.