Something just ain't right with the Joneson my Alex Henry .450 BPE. It takes a major, and I mean major effort both to open and close it.

The Henry was my first double rifle, well first BREECHLOADING double rifle and I just figured it would get better with time.

Well time has come and gone, and before much more time goes by I need to put it in the hands of a 'smith that knows about such things.

Now, Mike Orlen is up the road about 20 miles from here. Even though he's primarily a barrel swami I'd think he's well versed in vintage guns enough to at least look at it and suggest himself or someone else. It might be the best place to start, but I haven't lived in or haunted Amherst in quite awhile and lost touch with his exact whereabouts or contact info.

Could it be that there is some member out there who knows the perfect gunsmith for this type of problem (yes, I'm saying it's a problem)?

Assistance would be greatly appreciated. - Marc

Oh. And if you've got current Mike Orlen contact info I'd certainly appreciate that as well.