Hello Michael,

It's not a brilliant picture but you can see one I made some time ago. It wasn't finished at the time but it really isn't that different in shape. Only the top contours of Breech block i.e. the rounding off of the firing pin housing and the groove for the cartridge have to be completed. I do have an engineering drawing that I can scan and send to you if you wish.
see:- Other bit and pieces of my home made Borchardt can be seen here:- http://s89.photobucket.com/albums/k206/Rifleman_01/
Ignore the finished Borchardt, that belongs to one of my internet friends who I was advising about rebuilding, and also the countryside pictures which are of a local Red Grouse Moorland.

Harry. P.S. I'm a terrible photographer.

Last edited by Harry Eales; 09/08/12 06:57 PM.

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