Well, Robert, I'm still waiting for the post in which you declare either Flues or Loy to be the artistic equal of Winston Churchill.

I've got a feeling I'll be waiting a while.

I made an opinion comment that the engraving of these two men was not up to Churchill's level of work. After which, you saw fit to assume I was a gunmaker of some sort, and my opinion of any engraving should be based upon what type of craftsman I am. What type or level of craftsman I am has nothing to do with my opinion of the engraving Flues or Loy produced. Ditto Rabbit, for what it's worth.

You have made it clear of what you think of Chris Shotz, let me be the first to suggest that I vehemently disagree with you. He has been nothing but civil to me, here, and in the few times I have spoken with him about a gun that falls outside my area of interest. I've never bought or sold anything to him, but, I would do either, based on what I've seen.

Your posts here invariably have a way of snowballing out of control. You post a bunch of information irrelevant to the discussion, like how Flues built the gun, knitted the barrels together, hogged the action out with hand tools, etc., but, never get back to the main idea I posted, which is a lot of the engraving, animals in particular, aren't lifelike, and just plain suck when compared to another engravers

So, let's hear it, Robert. Let me hear you say you hold the engraving work of Flues or Loy in higher regard than Winston Churchill's.

That was my only point prior to you "goose piling" on me with a bunch of other nonsense, Robert.
