Anybody who is working on a W-2 basis is paying for MediCare out of every pay check. Many of those who work for companies with group health benefits will find that they are precluded from simply continuing on the group plan if they continue working beyond age 65. Why? Because the group plans often have provisions that require participants to elect MediCare as their primary coverage once they become eligible for MediCare. Some are forced into MediCare because of these provisions, even if they can elect the group plan as secondary. In addition, it is virtually impossible for any individual who is age 65 to purchase an individual policy (except for a HIPAA policy) because of the medical underwriting requirements of the insurance companies. Most companies have tightened their underwriting criteria since ObamaCare came on the scene, because they don't want to take on any risks now that they don't absolutely have to. So, once you turn 65, you probably don't have any choice other than to sign up for MediCare.

MediCare is not an entitlement program. It is a plan that you pay for while you are working (1.45% of your gross income, plus another 1.45% contributed by your employer), and that you continue to pay for once you begin active participation, through monthly premiums. Obama's plan will double your Medicare participant premiums by 2014. May not look like a tax, but is has the same net effect.