no problem with registration as I have a firearms licence (FAC) and several other rifles.
It can get a bit tricky sometimes as you have to prove what you 'need' a particular caliber/rifle for!
Either as a member of a target shooting club or have (written) permission to shoot specified game or vermin on specified land!

Much more difficult than for you guys in the good old US of A!
Make sure that the idiots don't succeed in taking the 2nd A. away!
As a member of the NRA I get a copy of the American Rifleman every month and I read it with interest from the first to the last page.

As you know, here in the UK we lost ALL our handguns in 1997
which put a full stop to my no. 1 sport.
I used to compete internationally in pistol target shooting.

The British Olympic Pistol Team nowadays has to go to France or Switzerland to practice! Can you imagine that?
(not sure whether the team still exists, but the above was true a few years ago)

Raimey has already given me some good info - I had overlooked that round mark though and only added a pic of that after his contribution.

Best regards