I had a relative whose bomber was shot down over Germany. He had nine gunshot wounds and owed his life to the excellent care he got in a German hospital. He served the remainder of the war in a POW camp but said they were not mistreated and he was a hell of a solitaire player. What goes around, comes around, hIs father in law was the head civilian at the German POW camp in Aliceville, Al. My son's godmother's grandfather was the military head. Until recently, the German POW's and their families would return for reunions. As an aside, I have have a SXS 9.3 x 74R double made my Chs. Tribel and sold by JJ Reeb that was "liberated" from a German General's collection by a local boy and brought home in a duffle bag. Not certain of the story, but someone must have had some clout to get a sporting arm "proofed" in 1942. Hate Natzies but the gun is not for sale.