The little running devil.

The Dickson and its first scaled quail.

Sammie hunting a ridgeline.

Daisy working the area as well.

Sammie following up on singles.

Greg hunting.

A fellow hunter.

During the course of the hunt we stumbled upon a couple covies of Mearns. I hunted for them last year for the first time with no success. I never intended on hunting them this year as I did not want to pressure the birds anymore than they are. Daisy pointed the covey above me and my friend Greg went in for the flush. When they flushed one flew downhill towards me and he yelled quail. I lined up on it and dropped it. Only afterward did I find out it was a Mearns to my great surprise. We were in some country very unlike that found along the Mexican border. In the end we found two covies. The one I took a bird from which numbered around 10 and a 15 bird covey.
Me and my Mearns.

The Dickson and the Mearns.

Well it was an eventful trip and I enjoyed using my Dickson immensely. I look forward to hunting the desert again next year. I hope you enjoy the photos.