I used to be one of those guys who said "There is no way a person could be mistaken for a game animal.

One year, about 7 years ago, my wife and I, my sister-in-law and her husband, my daughter and her husband went camping at a national park in Canada.
One day we went on a hike through a boggy area were there was wooden catwalks set up to walk through the wet areas. My sister-in-law and here husband went way ahead of the rest of us.
As I was walking along I looked across a little pool and about 40 yards away I saw a bear at the edge of the water. I stopped and was watching the bear, when my son-in-law walked up to me and asked what I was looking at, before I could reply he shouted to my wife and daughter "look a bear!" Just about that time the bear stood up and transformed into my sister-in-law.
My sister-in-law is a petite slim girl who looks nothing like a bear, but she was wearing a dark blue shaggy jacket. She had been stooping down tying her shoe.
The funny part was I would have sworn I was looking at a bear, I could see his head moving side to side, I could swear I even saw his ears and eyes.
I read somewere after this that the human mind will fill in information that it thinks is lacking in an object that you see.
The part that scares me, is, if I were hunting I would not have hesitated to shoot the bear. I had not the least doubt that it was a bear I was looking at.