Thank You, gentlemen for your replies.

I would be using it for just a few transactions a year. Completely self-serving.

An example is that, in the wonderful state of Massachusetts where I live I cannot order brass or primers from out of state because they can be used to create a harmful object, i.e. a bullet/cartridge/round.

I'm almost sure this is written to include powder and actual bullets, but I've found vendors who have overlooked it, if it indeed even exists. But certainly powder and bullets can also be used in the makeing of a harmful object!

I've got a lovely Alexander Henry 450 3/4" BPE that I need to learn to make reloads for and I can't get any brass! A fellow at Buffalo Arms informed me that if I got a C & R they would be able to legally ship the brass to me.

Of course, I'm sure the odd firearm here and there would be purchased to be directly shipped to me now and again as well.

But the sad thing is that right now, the main reason I would obtain one is so I could legally buy some "old-fashioned" brass and get it shipped to me.

How sad is THAT?