Rookhawk, that x-ray showing all the lead fragments in the deer creates a powerful impression, but it begs the question: what kind of rifle bullet was used? Of course I could shoot a deer with one of the highly frangible 'varmit bullets' and an x-ray would probably look just like your example, but I wouldn't. I do not accept it as fact that a proper lead bullet intended by the maker for deer sized game would leave a fragmentation field like your photo depicts. Conversely, it also is not clear to me that the fragmentation field resulting from shooting a deer sized animal will be the same in a squirrel.

That is the problem with the lead ban debate. If you're drinking the Sierra Club cool-aid things look one way and if you are walking in lock-step with the NRA the "evidence" has a completely different complexion.

Not to argue semantics, but respectfully, I still don't accept your position that the predator-prey relationship between species equates to a symbiotic one...Geo