I finally learned how to post photos. Now I just need to learn to take better pictures. These are some of the guns that I nitre blued using the temperatures I described. I also color case hardened the actions using the temperatures that I posted under Ed. Lander's torched gun post. The reflected light on the Marlin makes the blue look more blue than it is. It is actually a blue-black color. The small parts on the SAAs were temper blued using the same nitre salts but at a lower temperature. The Bisley was a real mess when I bought it. It was nickle plated and someone had gotten carried away with a buffer and rounded the corners and removed parts of the barrel address and rampant Colt. Surprisingliy the bore was in good condition. I recut the missing portions of the barrel address and rampant colt, fitted a new base pin and bushing, and replace the hand.