Upon pondering, it would not matter how long A&D kept the British monopoly in place seeing that A&D also filed for protection in the U.S. of A. H.A. Lindner was making a device based on the design while Daly was importing the technology into the U.S. of A. where the protection duration was 14 years. With the term Brevete I wouldn't think there to be a similar German filed version and I think 1877 was the 1st year of the German patent office. I wonder how retailing the technology or use compares to manufacture under a patent? Some patent attorney, maybe Mr. Martin Krause, could put me on the straight & narrow here? So seeing the U.S. of A. patent was granted in 1876 then the last year for a Daly sporting weapon to wear the Brevete stamp would be 1890, barring a 7 year extension on the same novel idea.

OWD if you feel my thinking out loud(& I may be talking to myself but it is in print) is hijacking the thread I'll gladly move it to a Daly thread that I've already hijacked.

Kind Regards,
