Crossman M59 CO2 semi-auto. I only take shots on pauses at ten to fifteen feet. Great sport and good for the pistol hand. A good shooting air rifle would work great. I used to be hell on dragonflies with a M25 Daisy about 1964. I don't remember what the limit was in those days but I'm sure I limited out a few times.

As an example of how time has changed things: In High School in 1966 I used a Daisy Powerline semi auto CO2 air pistol to learn how to shoot targets in the air. I would throw cans up in the backside of the school parking lot during lunch.

One day, I noticed the assistant principal walking toward me with a stern look. I figured the best way to talk my way out was to pretend there couldn't possibly be anything wrong with me shooting an air pistol on school property so I continued to shoot as he approached.

I could hit about nine out of ten and when he got to me, he remarked, "You're pretty good at that."

I explained my plan to become a great shot with a pistol and he asked me politely to move to another part of the parking lot because his students were watching me shoot and not listening in class.

I was amazed but pleased. Can you imagine what would happen today?