Hallowell & Company has a very interesting Robert Griffith Owen round action type for a client named Fred W. Hicks ordered from Med. Amrusch fine gunsmith and weapons maker of Pinsdorf near Gmunden, who may have been a descendant of Johann Amrusch.


Interesting in the fact that an American gunsmith sourced thru an Austrian firearms merchant to a group of Suhl gunmakers. It may be that Robert Griffith Owen was the protégé of Fred Adolph and continued the sourcing, which may have been the status quo.

I hope Jani is still awake penning an article and can give some insight on the order form:

Jani what would 8k Austrian monetary units get you back then?

Max Heym(MH) more than likely was the barrel knitter and may have been the primary contact as the firm has roots back to the mid 1860s.

The retarded time between 1927 and 1946 is puzzling. I can't make out the forge marks on the Roechling Special Steel tubes but H.S. was involved in the tube making. Would be very insightful to find the Med. Amrusch order form to the Suhl craftsmen.

Robert Griffith Owen may have jeweled the flats and that may have been the extent of his efforts.

I wonder if the Barella case is original to the longarms and he was also in the sourcing line???

Kind Regards,
