Originally Posted By: Chuck H
Based on CSM making the M21, Olin must not have licensed it to USRAC.

Didn't USRAC shut down their US facilities in 06?

CSMC purchased the tooling for the Model 21 from USRAC and I believe finished the few guns that were left for USRAC. CSMC continues to manufactures the Model 21 without the Winchester name. In 1991 Tony told me I could have a 'Grand Royal' with the Winchester name for $55KUSD. The term 'Model 21' or 'Model 21 Shotgun' has never been Trademarked by anyone. USRAC did have a license from Olin to use the 'Winchester' name on its firearms including the Model 21. After USRAC ceased to exist, Olin stills retains the rights to the 'Winchester' name and in fact licenses the 'Winchester' name currently to FN which is again producing a rifle term the 'Model 70' with the Winchester name.-Dick

Last edited by Dick_dup1; 04/17/11 10:58 AM.