Now this, THIS is great stuff and a major reason why this board is so good. KNOWLEDGEABLE members with a wealth of experience all pitching in trying to reach a common goal. Gary D, Dingelfutz, Dave Katt, Homeless Joe and Golfswithwolves, thank you for sharing your takes on the question at hand.

Ding, I had no personal beef with Mr Starr or YOU, for that matter. Being a personal correspondent with the man definitely gave you more background on his contributions than could be gleaned, at least by me, from his booklet. I apologize if my comments raised your hackles, but from my perspective I didn't see what you have been privy to.

At any rate, I just took delivery of a box from TOW about 20 minutes ago. I haven't opened it yet, but inside are the "guts" of shotgun muzzleloading loads: cards, fiber wads, lubricated felt wads and the like. I plan on using them in an array of guns in the upcoming weeks.

Joe, I found your comment interesting reagarding the use of heavier loads. Just a few days ago I acquired an absolutely beautifully made, and cared for, 10 bore caplock shotgun from nineteenth century American gunmaker (although he came from Ireland)Patrick Mullin. I purchased it from a gentleman and fellow board member.

In speaking to him I learned that he got the best patterns by using 4 drams of powder and 1 1/4 ozs of shot. I guess I can't say if over 100 grains of powder in a 10 bore would be considered "heavy", but it struck me as not being light. He also emphasized that he used lubricated wads. I'm anxious to try that load to see for myself.

Again, many thanks to all of you for contributing your own experiences and findings. It's to everyone's benefit, but you don't need me to point that out!