Interesting that for a fee all 3 tubes could be of Boehler Antinit steel; however, I don't see an option for Roechling. But then as Axel has always stressed, it was whatever the customer desired. The firearms merchant/maker would not say they didn't have it or couldn't get it. They would take the order and then get it from the fella down the road or stress their sourcing lines.

Robert Schrader of 8 Prinzenstrasse in Goettingen may have been the culprit for drillings with short rifle tubes down to 50cm. In 1902 under DRP 146285 he addressed the length. He was really big on coil springs and in 1901 under patent 128240 devised a safety lock with a cocking lever under the triggerguard bow. He either improved it or abandoned it. He must have been very successful in order to file the many patents under his name. He also had a poly choke device under DRP 88198 in 1896.

Kind Regards,
