I live in Minneapolis area
Originally from NE Iowa
In my youth out of HS Uncle Sam gave me a free airline ticket to exotic SE Asia. I was an EOD tech (Explosive ordance disposal) Stayed 2 years instead of 1 cause it was way fun...seriously

When to school to study Poly Sci but quite cause I didn't like politicians. Became a toolmaker and then self taught myself engineering and computer sci.

I was a gun engraver way back but can't see to do it anymore. I built the prototypes 3D pantographs for Don Allen which his dakota arms sold. Al Lind still uses the original prototype that I built.

I was caught up in the custom gun making in the 1980's hay day period, knew Al Biesen quite well. I still call Mark Lee (of blueing fame) a friend although we have drifted apart.

I have made a number of single shots which I shot in BPCR for many years but don't really do that any more. I am now into building rifles my son hunts with. (We have a rule that a rifle or bow for that matter is only good for one animal and then it must be retired) The 300 H&H M70 with my G&H mounts is the gun for this year. I don't hunt I just go along. I don't hunt anymore because I'm not mad at any animals.

I also build tall case clocks which are very fancy, each very different and of my own designs and they are for my grandkids who are my passion. (I gave up the wife 25 years ago and just raised my boys myself)

That is who I am I guess, hope it helps.

Oh yes, a number of years ago, I stopped one time to visit Ed Webber and then stopped by the Sharps guys there in town, before I left they both offered me a job, but the pay out there in Mt just isn't what I get here. Thought it was kind of honoring and funny at the same time.

Was thinking about hunting south of you, your in Livingston aren't you? but have decided to go a little west of Broadview.
