Anybody with experience casting for their double(s)? Does a bear s----in the woods, right? Following Sherman Bell's advice, I looked into Veral Smith's system. For a new caster of roundballs only (so far), it seems like a lot of intimidating hoopla. I can guess you'll get the absolute God blessed mould at the end of all the slugging and filling your fired cases with lead and shoving down a 3 ft rod of cold rolled steel and...(and that's just for starters)etc etc. What have you had success with? measuring from groove to groove and getting a mould to cast a bullet from that(albeit one with wide enough lube grooves, I understand)? Or do you not bothe and just buy them outright (ouch! mucho dinero, no?)? Please take pity on this poor old soul and tell me the best way you've found in your experience. Your help is greatly appreciated.