I have checked with Vaughan who is the member who is researching the genealogy side of the Perrins family.
Briefly this is the information we have on the Worcester Business.
The furthest back we have got is old Thomas Perrins (b 1768 in Kidderminster) who was the father of Thomas (Windsor) and John snr (founder of Worcester business)

John Perrins senr founded the business in Worcester in 1831.
His elder brother Thomas ran the Windsor business and supplied guns to royalty at that time.

John Perrins snr had a son - John Jnr., worked with him but he died young, only a year from his father – unmarried.

Henry, a younger brother of John Jnr., carried on and expanded the business. He sold the business to HE Pollard in 1892 who had married Amy, Henry’s eldest daughter.

John Senior was married to Hannah and had 6 children.
John 1823
William 1826
Edward 1829
Henry 1832
Margaret 1836

John Perrins snr died in 1862 aged 66 and his only wife Hannah died in 1881 aged 84 years.
Henry Perrins first wife Amy died (not certain of the date) and he then married Mary - Henry died in 1908 and Mary in 1920.

It's a good bet that George Perrins was a cousin of the Worcester Perrins - it's just a matter of discovering the link. Was George perhaps a grandson of old Thomas Perrins? They certainly had gun making in the blood.

The names Thomas, Henry and John appear to be fairly common around that time so may be George was the product of another branch of the Perrins family between a different John and a Sarah who also had children by the name of John and Henry, although this does seem somewhat of a coincident.

We have photographed the present 59 Broad Street premises, which are largely unchanged, except they are now the Halifax building society.
We have visited 6 St Georges square where Henry retired to, but still carried on working as we have one gun with this address.
Next week we are visiting the Mealcheapen St premises, now an opticians and the grave of John and Hannah.

If you can see any connections with any of the family we know about that would be great and when time allows Vaughan is going to investigate the relationship further.
