Wonko's idea of a custom stock is to keep cutting on it...adding-subtracting-changing angles-etc until it wotks as a shooter for him. Then he paints the stock black and puts on happy faces with bullets through the skull and pics of nekked ladies. In the end, he has something that works for HIM and matches his definition of art! Of course, it wouldn't fit anyone else because our Wonko is a bit contorted...mentally AND physically! However, it WORKS for HIM! What is wrong with that? Of course, some folks when finished would copy the stock onto a beautiful piece of wood, but those are normal people. Also, some would not start with the original stock so that a future owner could have an original gun, but Wonko's typical Pratzees never had matching forearm and buttstock wood in the first place so no real need for that.

Wanker, I missed you at the Reno show. Are you coming in August?