Originally Posted By: Rick Beckner

One other note of interest: The records show that Ithaca produced a fair number of A&B's...over 4000, however, no one but the BATF know how many were registered and are now legal. Several years ago I queried the BATF on the subject but they claimed that the software was not available to provide that information. I guess if one really pushed it and would pay for the software modifications and the time involved one could find out. Judging from the number that have appeared on the market there are probably less than 10% that are legally registered...and possibly only a couple of hundred.

I would be amazed if BATFE would tell you, even if they had the software.

They have refused to release data Class III items many times, including subpoena'd data. They claim (somewhat accurately) that such information is tax data and thus can not be released. The courts have supported this stance.
