Eduard Kettner retailed out of Cologne(Koln) and claimed a shop in Suhl, which I think to believe just an office to source the craftsmen of Suhl. Some sources give that businessman Franz Otto Julius Kettner founded Eduard Kettner with the business man Eduard Kettner being Franz Otto Julius Kettner's father. Any way it was founded in 1884 I think with Franz Kettner, a 1st cousing, being the master gunsmith. There was some friction, maybe Eduard the business many wanted to field test and peddle the examples while master gunsmith Franz did all the work, so master gunsmith Franz Kettner left to fun his own business. Eduard Kettner was a vendor that offered about anything needed by a hunter. In 1925 the Dornheim Company absorbed Eduard Kettner.


Numeric are we? I haven't forgotten about you but haven't taken the time to compose the info.

Kind Regards,
