Originally Posted By: Geno
Sorry, no pics now, all been eaten by virus 2 years ago.
La Fusil, it will be your panishment for telling fairy tells about Darne strongest action to go here and to find a lot of Darne crap in the shops.
Darne is just another double gun with weird action.
You don't belive me, thats your business, I got no reasons to lie.
You with Ted recall me pack of hound dogs barking at moon.

Ah ha, I see how it is Mr. Geno, you can say whatever you want, however rudely you want, but someone bites back and your first reaction is to tell that person to "plz stop talking like that". I guess thats where we differ as well. Again, all rudeness aside, please show me some pics (or even some video) of of all crap Darnes that you find at the shops, I would really like to see all crap loose, broke down Darnes that you are seeing, please, I invite you to change my mind sir and show me the light. I wonder how come nobody else who has had actual experience with Darnes is piping up about how they've seen, or even heard of a loose Darne. Matter of fact, unless some idiot took a file to the locking bolt and the raceway, I find it damn near IMPOSSIBLE for the breach to be loose when locked. Prove it Geno, quit asking me to take your word for it, all I'm asking is for you to prove it, treat me like I'm from Missouri.."Show Me".