Thank you all, it is a nice feeling to get this kind of approval ,...especially when one considers the experience in this crowd.

Bill,...I have been planning to post this for quite a while but it was difficult to find the time, so I did it in sections. I wanted to tell the whole story in case someone started to wonder what I was doing monkeying with a new Purdey.

LD,...The stock was finished with slackum and lots of elbow grease,...and it will be coming back at the end of the season for some more rubbing and pore filling.

Jason, I said, I lost count and the fist one will only give you a rough idea. D.T. told me how long it takes him to do one, the time he was done I would have been just starting to shape the tear drops

JDW,...Purdey sets the standard,...we just try to get close to it

Doug,...I haven't forgotten the offer,...I've just been procrastinating about it,...we should chat some more

Chris,...I have a couple different ones you can try,...that one is gone my friend

Thank you all again!


The taste of poor quality lingers long after the cheap price is forgotten.........