Ја бих положити га у моје деце уз познавање лов и стрељаштво. Понекад је означите маркери здробљени у пријемник. Тако имате било какве информације о мађарски бранше пиштољ? Можете пронаћи своју адресу е-поште у моје контакт инфо.

I would pass it along to my heirs and assigns along with the knowledge of hunting and shooting. You wouldn't happen to have any info on any Hungarian craftsmen, would you?

The date code is above the controllers mark of a spangled "X", which may be for Alfred Reignier from PeteM's site: http://damascus-barrels.com/Belgian_All_Proofmarks.html . I think that "g" goes with the "Y1" stamp. I've downloaded the pic and zoomed in and I think the date code is a "R", which would be for 1939.

Thanks, Jani. As usual I stumbled upon info on the Cugir double.

Kind Regards,
