Emil Flues was one an American original. He stands as one of the great gun designers, gun smiths of the early 20th century.

Census tract data for Emil Flues:
1870 - Blumfield, Saginaw, Michigan
1880 - Blumfield, Saginaw, Michigan
1890 - census data not available due to fire
1900 - no hits(not unusual)
1910 - Ithaca Ward 5, Tompkins, New York / 316 East Falls Street
1920 - Brooklyn Assembly District 10, Kings, New York / roomer - 63 Berkley(sp?) Place
1930 - Buffalo, Erie, New York / 27 Victoria Ave

1870 - Emil is 9 years old

1880 - Emil is 18 years old

1910 - Emil is 48, with a wife. Occupation listed as Experimental Gun Maker

1920 - Emil is 58 and in a rooming house with his wife. Occupation listed, Gun Maker

1930 - Emil is 68,wife and sister-in-law. Occupation repair. Industry firearms.
